Nonbinary​ -intersex-
December 30, 2020
3 years, 2 months, 6 days
Skyclan​ ​
Former: Palepetal
Pollen, honey and fresh-rain.
Hunting: 3/10
Fighting: 3/10
Endurance: 9/10
Stealth: 7/10
Communication: 6/10
Teamwork: 10/10
Adaptability: 5/10
Critical Thinking: 9/10
Foresight: 8/10
Guidance: 9/10
Fortitude: 6/10​​
Pollenwasp is very passionate about the things that catch their interest seemingly to the point of obsession. Their biggest passion is flower collecting and categorizing. They'd spend hours collecting and categorizing flowers if allowed.
They're straight forward and don't beat around the bush and are direct and honest - sometimes even rather blunt - but they always try to remember to take the feelings of others into account and attempt to accommodate for their feelings by wording themselves carefully. Sometimes they slip up on this and their bluntness can sound harsh and uncaring.
They've a great memory, remembering things that happened years ago. They're creative in ways others don't understand and think far off outside the box, for solutions to problems that don't make sense to anyone else, but makes perfect sense to them- and often times they're spot on with their solutions.
They hate their routine being interrupted, change makes them uncomfortable, they like their alone time and Starclan forbid you bother them when they want to be alone. They also get fussy when they're touched when they don't want to be.
Pollenwasp is a light ginger and cream tabby, with darker ginger stripes coursing wildly through their fur, they have dark ginger ears, a cream underbelly, legs, underbelly and tail tip. They have one amber eye and one sapphire eye.
Future: Baybee - A semi-dark cream she-cat, with dusty brown stripes, a cream underbelly and beautiful sky-blue eyes. - Rped by Littlewoods/Mars
Ebonywolf -Step Parent-
Siblings: ​​
Smoky - gray and silver she-cat with blue eyes
Dec 30th 2020 - March 6th 2024
Pollenwasp was born to Snowyowl and Honeysplash along with their sister Smoky. Nothing of note happened as they grew up under the watchful eyes of their parents. Other than that, Pollenwasp differed vastly from their sister. They preferred to spend time all on their lonesome and hardly ever participated in any games that the other kits played. Instead Pollenwasp spent most of their time memorizing the warrior code, the medicine cat code, hunting techniques, battle moves, clan gathering rules, ceremony regulations, Starclan and the overarching history of the clans.
Pollenwasp was more knowledgeable on clan lore and innerworkings than most by the time they became an apprentice. Pollenwasp's apprenticeship went smoothly, for they seemed to have no issues in picking up on what they were being taught, in fact Pollenwasp seemed to even outclass and outshine their mentor from time to time, depending on the subject.
Now Pollenwasp is a full-fledged warrior of Skyclan, and most of their clanmates don't have the best of relationships with them. Most think Pollenwasp is pompous and a know it all, when really, they're just misunderstood. Wanting nothing more than to share the knowledge they've accrued since kithood and pass it down to those younger than them.