Name: Ashwhisper
Allegiance: Shadowclan
Gender: Molly
Birthday: 2019 {{5 Years}}
Appearance: Ashwhisper is a gorgeous medium silver-gray she-cat. She has daker gray ears, stripes, speckles and tail. And her muzzle, throat, chest, underbelly and paws are a lighter silver-gray. Her eyes are a beautiful mint green.
Personality: Ashwhisper is soft spoken and doesn't speak much. When she does it's only to say what she has on her mind. She's often seen swallowed up by the shadows and minding her own business most of the time. Though despite her seemingly calm and silent demeanor, she can hold quite a grudge against those who do her clan or her kin wrong. She's unassuming by nature but her claws and fangs are as sharp as any Shadowclanner within the clan. The whisper part of her name comes from how silent she is.
Hunting: 10/10
Fighting: 6/10
Endurance: 10/10
Stealth: 9/10
Guidance: 8/10
Teamwork: 7/10
Former Mentor: Blackleopard {{Rped by Feared}}
Future: Scorchfire - Rped by Pixi
Father: Snappingfox
Mother: Ash {{deceased}}
Step mother: Cocoaflower
Full Siblings: Jayleap, Foxfeather, Fadedflame
Step Siblings: Petal, Leopard and Panther