"Her color might be as dark as night, but her spirit shines like the stars."
Nightbreeze ((Past: Nightkit and Nightpaw.))
December 5th ((2015))
3 years, 10 months, and 24 days
{Former Mentor}
Sootbelly- fluffy gray, white and silver tabby she-cat, with a light gray chest, underbelly and dark gray splotches all over her coat, including her belly. She has light blue eyes, with rings of amber around her pupils. ((Up for Adoption))
Undetermined; Looking
Pinecones and Evergreen.
Hunting: 10/10
Fighting: 3/10
Endurance: 9/10
Stealth: 5/10
Communication: 8/10
Teamwork: 7/10
Adaptability: 7/10
Critical Thinking: 8/10
Foresight: 7/10
Guidance: 8/10
Fortitude: 7/10
Nightbreeze is a Shadowclan warrior, that seems to lack any fraction of the iciness, that makes up the building blocks of most Shadowclan cats. Innocent, and seemingly unfazed, by harsh realities and tragedies that would otherwise harden a cat - it's like most of it all passes her by.
Simply put it would seem that she just drifts through life like a gentle breeze.
Not having a care in the entire world, and with her she brings a soothing aura of serenity and peace wherever she goes.
Full of wisdom beyond her years, Nightbreeze aims for nothing more than having a life that was worth living for. Though- despite others seeing this at first glance, there's much more hidden deep within Nightbreeze.
She knows the world can be unfair and cruel, but she'd rather face it head on than ignore or deny the events unfolding before her eyes.
She realizes that there's no use in dwelling on events you can't change, you can't worry yourself sick about the past or fret over the future. You have to live for the moment to moment.
Yet, despite all the merriment she brings, even Nightbreeze can be the victim of negative thoughts and feelings. Even still, she goes through the motions and lets herself feel what she needs to, so that she may feel better.
Nightbreeze is a sweetheart through and through, which can often bring out the negatives to her personality. She seems far too willing to give more of herself out to those around her that she can give.
There's only so much compassion one can spare before they've been emotionally drained. Even the seemingly endless supply of cheer that comes from Nightbreeze has its limits. She's also very spontaneous, leaving her clanmates in a state of bewilderment on what she'll do next.
Lastly Nightbreeze conceals a hidden sassy and mischievous side to her, that she will only allow her closest clanmates and family to see.
Nightbreeze is a midnight black and dusky gray she-cat with small snow white speckles all across her fur. She has these lovely deep sapphire blue eyes. Her ears are tipped white, the peculiar dusky gray patterns within her coat are without direction.
Shadepaw{{Rped by Feared}}, Juniperpaw {{Rped by Sol/Sap}}, Willowpaw {{Rped by me}} and Birchpaw {{Rped by Roach}}
Fennelpaw{{Rped by Pyro}}, Wasppaw {{Rped by Tori}} and Rowanpaw {{Rped by Howl}}
{Immediate Relations}
Midnightfeather- Midnightfeather is a lovely white and black she-cat with light sapphire blue eyes.
Grayowl- Grayowl is a large dusky gray tom with dark splotches all over his coat. He had deep amber eyes. ((Up for Adoption))
Feathercoat- Feathercoat is a lovely silver and white she-cat with light gray splotches all over her coat. She has light sky blue eyes. ((Up For Adoption))
Bluedusk- Bluedusk is a gray-blue tom, with one amber eye and one sapphire eye. He has a dark black stripe running from forehead to tail tip. ((Up for Adoption))
Nightbreeze and her siblings Feathercoat and Bluedusk were born in the late hours of the night to Midnightfeather and Grayowl of Shadowclan.
Nightbreeze was considered the runt of the litter, being a fair smaller than that of her two siblings.
Due to Midnightfeather kitting earlier than usual, her kits weren't expected to survive. Though it was clear that Feathercoat and Bluedusk had a higher chance of survival.
By the mercy of Starclan, Nightbreeze and her siblings managed to survive. Though not without issues, all through their kithood they often took ill and spent the majority of their time in the Medicine Cat's Den.
It wasn't until about the time they were nearing apprenticeship that Bluedusk's health took a turn for the better. Then a few moons later, Feathercoat also outgrew her sickness by the time they were deemed warriors.
Nightbreeze is the only one out of her siblings, that is still affected by her weak immune system, though that's hardly a surprise. Given the fact that she was smaller, and even more ill, than both her siblings at birth.
Despite her immune issues, Nightbreeze is a gentle and cheerful molly, seeking only to brighten the lives of those around her.
Due to being confined to camp until Warriorhood, for the most part, she has a curiosity that seemingly cannot be quenched.
She often finds herself learning information later than her clanmates. After all, her apprentice ceremony and warrior ceremony, had to be held back for a few moons due to her sickness.
This explains why she's such a poor fighter. Thankfully she makes up for it by being a brilliant hunter.
Although, due to her poor stealth, and clumsy tendencies, it's a mystery on how she's able to catch anything. Some speculate it's sheer dumb luck, and Nightbreeze would have to agree with them.
Nightbreeze ended up cooped up in a temporary shelter, with an injured hind leg during the great storm.
She's lucky she didn't fall to her death, and she's grateful to those that helped her off of a ledge she'd landed on, after falling off the path on the way up to the shelter, during the hurricane.
She's especially grateful to Saplingskies, the Shadowclan Medicine Cat, for being the first to notice, and the first to act. She believes his quick thinking and actions are what ultimately ended up saving her life.
It didn't take long for Nightbreeze to fall deeply for Saplingskies, and he in turn with her. A few moons later and they're both proud parents to fluffy bundle of joys, and Saplingskies has officially retired as Medicine Cat after a particularly stressful incident.
Nightbreeze couldn't be more relieved that he's still around to see his kits grow up.
They also took in another litter, the origin of these kits -Fennelpaw, Rowanpaw and Wasppaw- only known by a select few.